Petaluma Federation of Teachers
Negotiations Update
May 10, 2017
PFT started the session by stating:
It included:
The District announced they had completed a preliminary parity study as described in our contract (ARTICLE V, C p.3). The Federation is entitled to compensation comparable to five parity districts.The results seemed to be good news for the Federation. Members would receive up to a 2.43% parity adjustment. However, the parity study is incomplete. The District informed the Federation that their interpretation of parity meant that parity adjustments were to be applied specifically to only the three salary scale placements listed in our contract. (Step 1/Column I, Step 10/Column IV, and Step 25/Column IV) All other members would receive a 1.5% salary adjustment. In other words, the only members who would get the 2.43% increase are those who are at those exact places It seems this proposal serves to divide the Federation, rather than bring the salary schedule as a whole to a more comparable level. The Federation has requested a complete version of their study and calculations used.
The District continues to include language that allows for a ½ day meeting across a teacher workday, for an efficient opening of school. The Federation contends the extra language is unnecessary as administrators and teachers are certainly capable of working together in these situations.
PFT did accept the package and countered with two proposals:
There is no reason for the District to arbitrarily limit Willie Brown (Reduced Workload retirement option) to two years. Five years gives retiring members much more flexibility while potentially saving the District money.
Our labor rights are NOT negotiable. We are faced with a District that gives its administrators significant raises while leaving only scraps for the Federation. Had we been under contract, it would have been illegal to conduct our “work to rule” action. Our membership cannot proceed without our rights to use its labor power. “Concerted Activities,” the right to use labor actions, must be protected.
The District stated that with the School Board’s direction, concerted activities is a non-starter and that impasse would need to be filed if PFT feels the same. Due to time constraints, the meeting was not continued. There was talk of scheduling another session, but nothing was confirmed. Leafleting continues next week. We need your help. Wednesday, May 17 at 5:30 @ McKinley
Thursday, May 18 at 5:30 @ Grant
Thursday, May 18 at 5:30 @ McNear
Your voice and participation matter! Thank you for your support and dedication to securing a fair contract for teachers and specialists.
Negotiations Update
May 10, 2017
PFT started the session by stating:
- We expect proposals in contract language, rather than summaries for the community.
- Language from previous Federation package offers, that have been declined by the District, are no longer on the table (Psych, SLP and nurses’ salary schedule).
- Promises of a consideration of an increase in salary is unacceptable and not a serious offer, especially in light of the District’s very real increases to theirs.
It included:
- A parity increase of 2.18% - 2.43% for three placements on the salary schedule ONLY (Step 1/Column I 2.43%, Step 10/Column IV 2.18%, and Step 25/Column IV 2.43%). All other placements would receive 1.5%. All retroed to July 1, 2016. (see below for an explanation of what this means)
- Psych, SLP, and nurses salary schedule language from PFT’s last package
- Increased school site class-size average for TK-3 (no exact numbers included)
- Willie Brown MOU for 2 years
- 48 hours notice of PFT’s proposed meeting language (not PFT Co-Chair of District Meetings).
- 2 year MOU to suspend one professional development day - .5% increase in per diem.
- Two teacher workdays “primarily dedicated” as time for teachers, but still with a potential ½ day meeting for one of the two days
- Continue committee work with Stipend committee
- Ratify all previous TA’s
- Status Quo on all other open articles not addressed in package (No Concerted Activities)
- Extend the agreement to a three year agreement (2018/19) rather than the 2 years we previously TA’d
The District announced they had completed a preliminary parity study as described in our contract (ARTICLE V, C p.3). The Federation is entitled to compensation comparable to five parity districts.The results seemed to be good news for the Federation. Members would receive up to a 2.43% parity adjustment. However, the parity study is incomplete. The District informed the Federation that their interpretation of parity meant that parity adjustments were to be applied specifically to only the three salary scale placements listed in our contract. (Step 1/Column I, Step 10/Column IV, and Step 25/Column IV) All other members would receive a 1.5% salary adjustment. In other words, the only members who would get the 2.43% increase are those who are at those exact places It seems this proposal serves to divide the Federation, rather than bring the salary schedule as a whole to a more comparable level. The Federation has requested a complete version of their study and calculations used.
The District continues to include language that allows for a ½ day meeting across a teacher workday, for an efficient opening of school. The Federation contends the extra language is unnecessary as administrators and teachers are certainly capable of working together in these situations.
PFT did accept the package and countered with two proposals:
- An MOU for 2017/2018 for Willie Brown with a 5 year reduced workload program limit
- PFT reserves the right to concerted activities (labor rights) by law.
There is no reason for the District to arbitrarily limit Willie Brown (Reduced Workload retirement option) to two years. Five years gives retiring members much more flexibility while potentially saving the District money.
Our labor rights are NOT negotiable. We are faced with a District that gives its administrators significant raises while leaving only scraps for the Federation. Had we been under contract, it would have been illegal to conduct our “work to rule” action. Our membership cannot proceed without our rights to use its labor power. “Concerted Activities,” the right to use labor actions, must be protected.
The District stated that with the School Board’s direction, concerted activities is a non-starter and that impasse would need to be filed if PFT feels the same. Due to time constraints, the meeting was not continued. There was talk of scheduling another session, but nothing was confirmed. Leafleting continues next week. We need your help. Wednesday, May 17 at 5:30 @ McKinley
Thursday, May 18 at 5:30 @ Grant
Thursday, May 18 at 5:30 @ McNear
Your voice and participation matter! Thank you for your support and dedication to securing a fair contract for teachers and specialists.