Start of School: Although rocky, thanks to you, my super rock star colleagues, students are once again knee deep in learning and adventures. Thank you to all who stood up and made sure the contract was followed. Thank you also for the warm welcome at each site as the district road show ran its course. Thank you for all that have volunteered your time for district committees and interview panels. I am so blessed and proud to be able to work with all of you.
Professional Development Plans: Please remember that the PD Plan is due October 21!
Evaluation: This is a busy time for evaluation change in our district. The counseling group's evaluation rubric is almost complete and ready to launch. The librarians are starting their work. The teacher group will continue.
Not sure if everyone knows that Petaluma is one of four districts in the county to be awarded a grant to help with our evaluation work by the ReEd Institute from UC Davis and SCOE. Through this grant we are connected with state and national groups also creating positive change in evaluation. We have experts/researchers connecting with us and our work. Petaluma, once again, is a leader in this area of change. We are true visionaries and are being recognized for our hard work!
News from CFT: I attended State Committees, State Council, and Division Council meetings at the end of September. CFT has just published a position paper on Teacher Evaluation (see it at Lots of work is being done about regulating Charter Schools…we are so lucky to have ours, true charters and not for-profit entities that have infiltrated other districts.
Some successes at the capital: all of the following were defeated…proposed legislation that would eliminate certain layoff provisions for permanent employees, proposed legislation that peer observations and surveys of parents and students be mandatory in assessment guidelines and criteria along with being evaluated annually, proposed legislation that permanent standing would be granted only after three consecutive years.
The labor movement is regaining some ground. However, CFT’s message to locals is for all members to hit the streets…public education will not survive if the public and communities are not educated about our needs and our challenges. Petaluma is lucky that our community is incredibly supportive, but other areas are not. LA, for instance, is being targeted by for-profit organizations that feel the only way to “fix” education is to make all schools unregulated charters. We cannot let this continue. Special Education Teachers are facing daunting changes to their credentials and mandates. Funding is nowhere near what is needed for quality program. And that is just a start…
Boots on the ground, be vocal, be an advocate, be an activist to ensure public education gets the funding and changes it needs. More information will be coming about how you can get involved and make a difference.
Shared Decision Making: There have been some requests that a SDM training be offered at sites. Are there other sites that would like this training? Please let me know as soon as possible.
EERC/Negotiations: Our first EERC (Employer Employee Relations Committee…informal, no negotiations) meeting is October 19. Look also for a coming survey about our sunshine process…
Upcoming Events: Please consider attending one (or more, or all!) of the following…
Board of Education Meeting, October 13, 6pm, Board Room
District Leadership Team (LCAP), October 20, 6-7:30 pm, Board Room
Board of Education Meeting, October 27, 6pm, Board Room
Board of Education Meeting, November 10, 6pm, Board Room
Wishing you all a happy, healthy October!
In Unity-